Due to the growth of the Ocean Bottom Seismic market and corresponding dedicated seismic source operations, the need for a more streamlined way to monitor on board source operations has become apparent. Legacy geophysical solutions have proven to demand excess resources and competencies which are not necessarily onboard nor needed for todays source operations. A regular theme from source operators and end users of data is that source anomalies are being missed in real-time, resulting in increased costs and inefficient operations for all parties.
With this in mind and in collaboration with source operators, Profocus Systems developed Argus SourceQC, a “light weight” real time Source QC system that is efficient from a cost, set up and operational perspective. It was specifically developed for observers and gun mechanics, enabling them to quickly and efficiently detect air leaks, electrical leakage, drop outs, autofires, misfires, loose hardware, etc.

For more information please visit Profocus Systems